Our fine line Of MotoEV Electro Transit Buddy Shuttles offer several models, including this wheelchair shuttle bus for sale, which will serve those who need the ability to carry wheelchair passengers as well. We are the experts at all issues pertaining to transporting wheelchairs in electric vehicles and all ADA regulations as well. Depending on whether you need one or two wheelchair positions, we have the proper vehicle for your needs. We have open air models as well as fully enclosed shuttles that can serve your wheelchair transportation needs. We specialize in knowing what requirements are necessary, if you just want a "wheelchair shuttle" or for those clients that must have an "ADA wheelchair shuttle". Please ask our sales representative which type of shuttle your particular application may require.
The MotoEV Electro Transit Buddy line of vehicles are for those shuttle chores required around your Campus, Parking Lot, Town Center, Resort, or Facility. Some of these models may hold up to 28 passengers when our tag along trailer is purchased! With this option, a second bank of batteries can be installed within the trailer to increase travel distances greatly! On your MotoEV Electro Transit Buddy, we can add many options such as back up cameras, DVD Players, heaters, fans and even air conditioning when necessary! Smaller shuttles have a 48-volt system as a power source with a single battery charger. Our larger shuttles (12-28 Passenger Shuttles) contain two 48 volt systems for the longer range and quicker charging than a 72 volt “series” battery system. This wheelchair shuttle bus for sale comes standard with two chargers, not one, and each charger is responsible to charge only one bank of 48 volts of batteries. This decreases necessary charging time by half versus having one charger responsible for charging all batteries. Several models will qualify for the Low Speed Vehicle standards necessary to drive them on public roadways as well. Please consult a Moto Electric Salesperson for more specific details on this requirement.
Our electric shuttles come equipped with a 7Kw (9.4 Hp) upgraded motor but several other motor options are available.