The MotoEV Electro Neighborhood Buddy Six Passenger (Back to Back) Street Legal Golf Cart - MotoEV street legal golf carts are eco-friendly electric vehicles designed for everyday use in low-speed environments. With a top speed of 35 mph or less, these six-seater electric golf carts are perfect for cruising around the neighborhood. But the benefits of buying a street legal golf cart don't end there. Unlike traditional vehicles that burn fossil fuels, our electric carts leave a smaller environmental footprint. And when used for daily errands, they offer significant savings for communities by reducing the demands of dealing with traffic congestion. They are perfect for courtesy shuttles, security patrols, parks, and recreational activities. With built-in chargers and a smart microprocessor, our batteries are always ready to go without the risk of overcharging. And with an operating cost of just pennies per mile, the savings keep adding up. Plus, you can rest assured, that our experienced team will ensure that your low-speed vehicle meets all the requirements of your community or neighborhood.