So It's Time to Buy New Street Legal Golf Cart Tires

So It's Time to Buy New Street Legal Golf Cart Tires

Golf cart tires are really where the rubber meets the road. If it's time for you to buy new golf cart tires for street use, what should you know? First, let's address the basics. Electric golf cart tires are simply flexible, rubber containers filled with compressed air. They have two primary jobs. One is to provide traction so your golf cart can move, and the second is to create a cushion between your cart and the road it's riding upon.

Like automobile tires, golf cart tires are manufactured in layers called "plys". They generally are two pieces of rubber covering a steel belt. If you will always be driving on a smooth surface, you may be able to get away with a lower ply tire. If however, you can imagine your golf cart occasionally bumping into a curb, riding in rougher terrain, or over dirt or gravel, you may want to consider a higher ply tire.

If it's time to buy new golf cart tires for street use, you'll also want to understand the numbering on the sidewalls on your tires. You will find three numbers, each with a specific meaning. The last number is the radius of the wheel. In a 205/50-10 tire for example, that "10" means the tire is 10 inches in size. The middle number, in this case the "50", indicates how thick the sidewall is. The larger this second number is, the thicker your golf cart tire's sidewall is. The first large number indicates how wide your tire is in millimeters.

Keep in mind, quality, thicker tires will last longer. While thinner walls may absorb bumps better, they will offer less responsive turning and will likely crack and wear sooner. Quality always wins and you should keep that in mind with your golf cart tires.

To learn more about electric golf carts, tires, vehicle-parts and accessories, contact Moto Electric Vehicles, where street legal golf carts are our specialty!



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