Georgia Changes LSV Regulations

The Tallapoosa Journal reports that as of January 1, 2012, Georgia residents can now drive their electric-powered “golf carts” on public roads, but the legislation comes with some restrictions and individual municipalities may still enact their own statutes regarding their use.

Georgia Senate Bill 240, which was signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal,  creates a new class of vehicles, labeled “Personal Transportation Vehicles” (PSVs).   Commonly referred to as golf carts, these low speed vehicles are required to have four wheels, weigh 1375 pounds or less, carry no more than eight people and travel at speeds no more than 20 MPH.  (This differs from the Federal law, which provides for such vehicles to travel up to 25 MPH.)

The new law also requires that the vehicle have specific safety equipment, including a braking system sufficient for the weight and passenger capacity with a parking brake, reverse warning device that is functional at all times and when the vehicle is in reverse, a main power switch which makes the vehicle inoperable when the key is in the off position, head and tail lights, reflex reflectors, a horn, rear view mirrors, safety warning labels and hip restraints and hand holds, among other items.

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